Sunday, June 24, 2012

How we are spending our summer!

The boys and I are trying to keep busy this summer with different activities.  I wanted to highlight some of them so far.

Kangaroo Zoo-this is a local place that is full of inflatable toys.  The boys had a great time.

Isaac had fun in the arcade while the other 2 boys played laser tag

Jeremy practicing his swing 

air hockey lasted like 2 seconds!

Alex hit pretty good!

trying for the hole in one!

Isaac just loved hitting the ball wherever!
Green Acres park floating the river
Jeremy's first attempt

"this is fun!"

Alex's first attempt

"this is cold!"

The boys saw some other boys who brought a model Titanic  that they had made to float in the stream.  Jeremy is obsessed with everything Titanic so this was a highlight of his day! He now wants to make one himself!

Hill Air Force Museum

Alex wanted a picture just of him! Isn't he a handsome pilot!

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