Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mother's day activities

For Mother's Day, I was feated with activities throughout the weekend. To start off with, Isaac's preschool had a Mom and me picnic.  It was so fun.  His teacher had a little luncheon for us moms, the kids sang to us, we got our pictures taken together to put in a frame that we made that day.
This is Isaac's feet.  His teacher made it with a cute poem attached

Our picnic

These are all the cute alphabet numbers the kids have made

Isaac and his classmates

Having our picnic

painting the frame for the picture of him and I

this is all the kids in Sunshine preschool.  Isaac is standing by his picture

This was my surprise breakfast Mother's day morning

Beautiful flowers!

fun cards Ben and the boys got me

Trying to take a picture of all the things the boys made me at their schools.  In the morning, it's always either Jeremy or Alex sneezing.  This time it's Jeremy.  Alex isn't too enthusiastic about getting his picture

My cute boys.  Alex gave me a picture, Jeremy did a poem book and Isaac did a picture in his new preschool

Our family, Ben's parents and Ben's brother Steve all went down to have dinner at Ben's Grandma James.  She was so delighted to have us there.  She said it was the first dinner she remembers that was all brought to her.  She turns 90 this August and we are so glad to still have her here.

My crazy boys! 

Still a little crazy!

Finally a good one!

Our little family

With Grandma

Here's Grandma trying to get the boys to smile!

All of us mothers

Four generations!

We stopped by the Jordan River temple on our way back

My sweetie and I

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