Sunday, September 28, 2008

"I feel like I can run faster than anyone in the WORLD!!"

That was the quote Jeremy gave to us on the morning of his 5 year old birthday. He has waited so long for this and he was so excited that he had a hard time going to sleep. We had quite a busy day starting with his soccer game. Then it was home to have his friend party and then down to Salt Lake to go to the circus with his cousins. Then he and Alex went to stay at Grandma and Grandpa's for the night while Mom and Dad went out. We love Jeremy so much and he is such a smart, funny and awesome young man!


Megan said...

Happy Birthday Jeremy! Sounds like he had quite the birthday and that you guys have been super busy. Congrats on the new job too!

Jen said...

Happy Birthday Jeremy! Sorry we didn't talk to Jeremy on his birthday and just left a message. I can't believe that he is 5. Sounds like you guys had fun!

Janene said...

What a cute quote - being five is such a big deal!

Megan said...

In the upper right hand corner of your blog click 'customize'
Then 'add a gadget'
Click the first one 'Blog Lists- NEW!'
You have to re-add all of your links (a pain in the butt)
I also renamed the links otherwise it will have their blog title instead of the couples' names (which I prefer and it looks like you do too)
I also edit the preferences so that it only shows the links name (the couples name) and when they updated last (so unclick icon,title of most recent item, etc unless you want that on there) and I also 'sort' mine alphabetically instead of by most recently updated (that is the default setting)

Hope that helped! Let me know if you have any questions or if I was completely unclear ;)