Monday, September 15, 2008

Jeremy's happenings

Jeremy has had some busy last couple of weeks. The first picture is of him heading off to his first friend sleepover. Alex wanted to go to so we went over there for a little bit and had smores. Jeremy did really well but ended up getting a cold from it that turned into asthma for him, long nights for Mom, a visit to the doctor and no playing with friends. But it was worth it for him.

He also started preschool this last week. He is going into his 3rd year but we feel it's worth it for him. He'll be extra prepared for kindergarten next year.

And last of all, Jeremy started soccer. This is his first time playing but already he is an excellent player. He has scored 5 goals in each game he has played in and is a very aggresive player. He loves it! This last game he wanted his hair spiked like one of the kids he plays with and I tried but his hair doesn't like to spike! Jeremy is a handful but we are so proud of what a big kid he is getting to be!

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